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YNPN Chicago

Spotlight! Bridget Drury (Leadership Institute Edition)

Name: Bridget Drury

Preferred Pronouns: She/her/hers

Job title: Manager of Scholar Supports

Organization: Chicago Scholars

Time in current role: 9 months in current role

College/School: Bachelors- Governors State University, Masters- North Central College

Area of study/expertise: I/O Psychology & Leadership Studies

What do you like most about working in the nonprofit sector? Seeing your level of impact on the communities you serve

What drew you to the Leadership Institute? For me, this was important after spending two years during the pandemic not able to make any new connections. I think networking in general for me has always been a growth opportunity. Having a shared space where we’re all working in spaces we’re passionate in and in positions of impact is very powerful.

Where is your hometown? I grew up in Lockport, IL, a small southwest suburb in the Chicagoland area.

What advice would you give to people joining the nonprofit sector? Know the signs when you’re getting burnt out. The work is a rewarding experience but becomes easy to put in extra hours which adds up quickly. Knowing when you need a break or scheduling yourself time off every so often is a good self-care practice so you can continue to show up as your best self in the work you’re passionate in.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I would love to learn how to train service or therapy dogs! When I was a graduate assistant my favorite part of the job was bringing therapy dogs to campus for finals week, dogs (and cats!) do so much for our mental health.

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